When it came time to name our baby, we took our sweet time. Apparently naming our children is not our strong suit, as we ran into the same situation with Drew.
As soon as we found out it was a boy at our 20 week ultrasound, we got serious about picking a name. However, we could not come to consensus.
So, when a friend offered help on FB for naming kiddos, I jumped at the chance:
(sorry about my inelegant name covering up, but oh well. privacy for the win!)
She brought up a name choice that we hadn't thought about before. William has never been a favorite of mine, but I really liked the nickname possibilities, especially Liam. I also really liked the idea of tying it into my family, because Drew ties into Luke's side.
(for those of you who might have problems following the thread, my dad's name is Willard and my grandpa's name was Willie)
So, I kept bringing up Liam as a possiblity, but Luke was never sold on it. And I was never totally sold on Will. So, we kept throwing names out there and shooting them down. And on. And on. Ad nauseum.
And then, we had the baby. And after a couple of days, people typically like you to name your child. So, we got down to work and talked and talked and talked some more.
I had come across Bennett on one of my searches and it grew on me.I also liked that it meant 'blessed'. But, I didn't really want it to be shortened to Ben.
So, we came back to Will. And I once again really liked how it tied into my family. And that it meant 'strong protector'. And to be honest, I liked how it was like Drew - short for a longer name and only 1 syllable.
Obviously, in the end, Will Bennett was the winner. Our blessed strong protector.
But, man, naming children is hard work!!